Put sleepless nights to rest!

Being exhausted does not need to be part of your parenting journey.


How Baby Snooze Coach Can Help

Personalized Plans

Sleep plans customized for your baby’s personality and temperament.

Supportive Coaching

Clinical Social Workers with experience in postpartum adjustment.

Gentle Approach

Intuitive strategies developed to fit into your parenting style.


Tips for Now and the Future

Resource guide to help with sleep regressions, new siblings, traveling, and more.

Expectant Parent Guidance

Help for parents in anticipation of a new baby's arrival.

Sample Schedules

Sleep, feed, play schedules to use through age four.

Snooze Success Stories


“Baby Snooze Coach gave me the confidence to use my mom intuition while also providing me with the education I needed.”

— Parent of five-month old


“They provided a very detailed outline of my sleeping goals as well as sleep training tactics, which ranged in level of intensity to fit my comfort level.”

— Parents of eighteen-month old

“With their guidance, my son is now sleeping through the night, in his own room!”

— Parent of six-month old


“Baby Snooze Coach helped us make tweaks to our sleep plan as we implemented it. They helped us get our son on a consistent bedtime and nap schedule which helped him from becoming overtired.”

— Parents of five-month old